The Crown of the Kings

written by

Richard Young

Our RESCUE adventure takes place in the Kingdom of Korvak. The Kingdom of Korvak is made up of 50 districts. The districts are joined together by roads.

The story so far:

When the kingdom or Korvak was invaded, the Crown of the Kings
was stolen and Karena Karinova the only surviving member of
the royal family was abducted. The thief was found but refused
to reveal the location of the crown or of Karena but revealed he
caused Karena to lose her mind. Can you rescue her?

When you play our adventure you are in the Kingdom of Korvak. You start in a forest clearing. To finish your task you must find Karena Karinova and the Crown of the Kings and then make your way to the throne room.

During the adventure you can use the following equipment:

Moon Elixir - which will be somewhere in Kingdom of Korvak
Dragon Ale - which will be somewhere in Kingdom of Korvak
Snake Staff - which will be found while at the harbour
Dragon Wand - which will be found while in the school of magic
Night Wand - which will be found while in the school of magic
Cloud Ring
Night Ring
short sword
coin - which will be found while in the stable
key - which will be found while in the inn
royal ring - which will be found while in the bell tower
map - which will be found while in the library
Water Staff - which will be found while following the lake side road
Scroll of Antimage - which will be found while in the university
bow and Elf arrows - which will be found while in the market

To recover Karena Karinova you must be carrying the Moon Elixir or Dragon Ale.

There are 15 problems:

Town guards can be dealt with temporarily using the Night Wand or Cloud Ring or Night Ring or short sword or boots or bow and Elf arrows, and can be detected using the map. This problem will only occur while in the gate house.
Red Plume guards can be dealt with permanently using the royal ring or temporarily using the Night Ring, and can be detected using the map. This problem will only occur while in the gate house.
A forest giant can be dealt with permanently using the Snake Staff or Dragon Wand or bow and Elf arrows or temporarily using the Night Wand or Cloud Ring or Night Ring or short sword or boots. This problem will only occur while lost in a forest.
Orcs can be dealt with permanently using the Snake Staff or Dragon Wand or short sword or bow and Elf arrows or temporarily using the Night Wand or Cloud Ring or Night Ring or boots. This problem can move from district to district.
A locked door can be dealt with permanently using the key. This problem will only occur while in the stable.
A warewolf can be dealt with permanently using the Snake Staff or Dragon Wand or bow and Elf arrows or temporarily using the Night Wand or Cloud Ring or Night Ring or short sword or boots. This problem will only occur while lost in a forest.
Theives can be dealt with permanently using the Snake Staff or Dragon Wand or short sword or temporarily using the Night Wand or Cloud Ring or Night Ring or boots. This problem will only occur while in the market.
A dark mage can be dealt with permanently using the Scroll of Antimage. This problem will only occur while at the harbour.
A witch can be dealt with permanently using the Scroll of Antimage. This problem will only occur while in the school of magic.
Swirling fog can be dealt with permanently using the Snake Staff or Dragon Wand or Cloud Ring or temporarily using the map. This problem can move from district to district.
A dinosaur can be dealt with permanently using the bow and Elf arrows or temporarily using the Snake Staff or Dragon Wand or Night Wand or Cloud Ring or Night Ring or short sword or boots.
A hill troll can be dealt with permanently using the Snake Staff or Dragon Wand or bow and Elf arrows or temporarily using the Night Wand or Cloud Ring or Night Ring or short sword or boots. This problem will only occur while walking along the river bank.
A dragon can be dealt with temporarily using the Night Wand or Cloud Ring or Night Ring or short sword or boots or Water Staff or bow and Elf arrows.
Fast flowing waters can be dealt with permanently using the Water Staff or temporarily using the Cloud Ring or Night Ring or boots, and can be detected using the map. This problem will only occur while crossing the ford.
A ghost can be dealt with permanently using the royal ring. This problem will only occur while walking along the river bank.

There are 3 traps:

If you are lost in the forest you must wait here until someone brings the map. This will only happen while lost in a forest.
If you are hiding from a monster you must wait here until someone brings the Night Wand or Cloud Ring.
If you are stuck in a quagmire you must wait here until someone brings the boots. This trap can be detected using the Water Staff, it will only happen while following a stream.

There are 2 ferries and 2 secret passages:

There is a secret passage from a cave to the inner sanctum.
There is a secret passage from a stream to the park.
There is an ferry from the jetty to the jetty. This ferry can be detected using the coin.
There is an ferry from the harbour to the docks. This ferry can be detected using the coin.









district names:

  1 . great hall
  2 . throne room
  3 . inner sanctum
  4 . gate house
  5 . castle
  6 . jetty
  7 . bridge
  8 . gate house
  9 . confluence
10 . river bank
11 . river bank
12 . river bank
13 . river bank
14 . jetty
15 . docks
16 . monastery
17 . bell tower
18 . ford
19 . road
20 . road
21 . road
22 . inn
23 . tavern
24 . edge of a village
25 . market
26 . library
27 . stream
28 . forest
29 . forest path
30 . inn by a lake
31 . lake side road
32 . village crossroads
33 . entrance to a stable
34 . harbour
35 . university
36 . park
37 . stream
38 . stream
39 . large oak tree
40 . forest path
41 . forest
42 . forest
43 . stable
44 . school of magic
45 . wishing well
46 . cave
47 . spring
48 . forest clearing
49 . forest
50 . forest